Today marks a week since we arrived here in India. It’s time
to share a few of our first impressions.
Our Flat
Our housing situation is a very pleasant surprise! The
British influence is evident in that our apartment is our flat and yes, there
is a lift (elevator) and even though we go up 2 full flights of stairs, it’s on
the second floor. (We enter on the ground floor; going up one flight of stairs
has us on the first floor, etc.) It’s much larger and nicer than we were
We have 2 bedrooms, an office, a living room, dining room, kitchen,
and 3 bathrooms—one even has a tub for me to soak in! Yeah!
We have granite
counters in the baths and kitchen and most of our floors look like marble but
we were told they are really granite.
The office has wood floors and all the
rooms have high ceilings—I’d guess 10-foot.
There are narrow balconies all
around with 5 different doors leading out to them.
Our building is owned by the
Church and there is only one flat per floor. The basement is the office for the
grounds keeper/maintenance guy. The ground floor has 4 sister missionaries in
it. The first floor is where another senior missionary couple lived until just
the week before we arrived—they worked on public affairs and humanitarian
projects. We’ve been asked to follow up with some of their contacts. We live on
the second floor and the third floor is a smaller flat with a balcony where the
two AP’s (Assistants to the Mission President) live.
The light switches were a mystery to us at first—but we’re
slowly figuring out which switch goes to which light or outlet.
At first I
would just switch all of them on in a room as I entered and then all of them
off—and wondered why there was no hot water in the bathroom. Then I noticed
that a few of the switches had round circles on them, signaling that it was
best to leave those switches on all the time. When I’m jet-lagged, the learning
curve is even longer than usual.
We live right next to the Mission Home/Mission Office in a
very nice part of Delhi called Vasant Vihar. (The brick building is ours and this is the walk to the cream-colored Mission Home next door.)
There are Embassies all around us.
Most buildings have gates around them with security guards in little booths out
front 24/7—both the Mission Home and our building do. A few blocks away is a large
park for taking long walks and getting away from the noise and traffic for a
We’ve seen lots of birds including peacocks and peahens plus pigs. This
morning we passed a couple of cows/bulls on our way to the park and of course
there are lots of loose dogs everywhere.
The Food
The very first day we were here, the Mission President’s
wife took us to the closest market place and introduced us to their favorite
places to buy food—first the fresh fruit and vegetables stand, then the
milk/yogurt/egg/cereal store and finally the chicken store (I was happy to see
that these were refrigerated!). Another
happy surprise is that we are encouraged to buy any and all fruits and vegies,
bring them home, wash them, soak them for 10-20 minutes in bleach water, let
them dry, and eat them all! So the prep time is greatly expanded, but we’ve had
lettuce and spinach salads, apples, bananas, pears, persimmons, pineapple, pomegranates,
tomatoes, celery, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, green beans, red peppers, just
about everything you can think of.

Our flat comes with a reverse osmosis water filter in the
kitchen for drinking and rinsing dishes. The water coming out of it is cleaner
than most bottled water here so we are encouraged to fill our own bottles and
avoid drinking the regular water unless we want a case of “Delhi-Belly.”
We did go out to dinner with the Mission Presidency,
District Presidency, and Branch Presidents and wives following District
training on Saturday night—how is that for good timing?
It was an Asian Kitchen
Restaurant, but with an Indian influence for sure! Elder A ate something so hot
that it brought tears to his eyes and gave him a case of the hiccups! All in
all, we liked the food, drank bottled water, avoided all fresh vegies/fruit and
did just fine!
The Traffic
Here in India, you drive on the left side of the road—another
British influence. And you usually stop at red traffic lights, but not always—large
trucks and busses often honk and proceed, and if no one is coming the other
way, why stop? And, as the mission driver shared, whoever painted those white
lines on the road wasted a lot of paint! No one pays any attention to them!
There are a lot of motorcycles and ‘autos’ (yellow and green minicars powered
by motorcycles) and small trucks and cars so a road with three lanes marked on
it may have 5 or more vehicles traveling down it side by side at any given
time. And at a stop light, once traffic has finally stopped moving, there could
be even more lined up across the road. You are literally inches away from
vehicles around you. It’s pretty crazy, and yes, I close my eyes lots of the

Our flat is across from a small park and has a fairly major
road in front of and beside it. There are no yield signs at the corner, but
there is a lot of honking! I’ve been told that they honk to let others know
they are there. I’m amazed that there aren’t more accidents, but have been told
that Indians honor and respect life so try their hardest not to hurt anyone or
any animal (loose dogs, wandering cows, people walking along the side of the
road, bicyclists, people pulling carts, etc.). This is a view from one of our balconies.
India is home to almost 1.3 billion people, 24 million of
which live here in New Delhi/Delhi area. That’s a lot of people! And they have
a real problem with air pollution here.This is today's sunrise--the sun was pretty red.

The Mission President’s wife is doing
all she can to keep us all safe and healthy! She has ordered air purifiers for
all of our apartments—ours got here just the day before we did. She gives out
air masks—but we brought our own and have used them some already! The area we
live in is one of the cleanest—not because people don’t drop their litter
everywhere, but because there are people who clean the streets and gutters
every day, other people who come and pick up the piles of trash, and still
others who burn it in the park right across the street from us. We’ve been told
that the air is worst in the mornings and evenings, and especially in the winter
(December and January). Riding in autos
is bad any time of day, since they are not enclosed and open to all the fumes
of the road.
The People
A view out the window this afternoon |
We had been told that, of course, the very best part of
India are the kind, gentle people who live here. They are simply amazing! And
the women are so colorfully dressed! When we showed up Sunday morning at one of
our Church’s branches (small congregations), we were immediately welcomed and I
think the vast majority of the members attending that day came up to us and
shook our hands either before, during, or after the meeting, and there were
about 80 in attendance. They were so friendly and glad to see us! However, over
half knew no English! It was interesting to hear most of the speakers and teachers
at church saying something in English and then repeating themselves in Hindi. The
church was held in a bank building, on the first through third floors—with the
baptismal font on the roof! And yes, there was a baptism immediately following
the regular meetings to which 36 people attended. Pretty exciting first meeting
for us! We will be working mostly with this branch in Dwarka as well as a
smaller branch in Noida which we will be visiting this next Sunday. We’re excited!
We get to attend a Young Single Adult Conference (ages 18-30) this Thursday through Saturday. It's being held in Corbett National Park, a 6-7 hour bus ride northeast from here. Sounds like fun!
A Visit from An Apostle
President Russell M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of Twelve
Apostles, is coming to Delhi! On October 28 and 29! He is meeting with us
missionaries during the afternoon of the 29th, and then with all
members that evening! Pretty exciting! What good timing for us! Stay tuned for
a report in the next blog!